Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Monday 30 March 2020 - Day 20, Tuesday 31 March 2020 - Day 21

Day 20

usual footsteps.
no more chairs at upstairs canteen.
dk why our institution are still not implementing wfh.
quite screwed up.


Day 21

fun day choosing toilet accessories today!
went to have fish porridge at geylang that shugong brought us to in the morning.
cant wait for everything to be piece up (:
and let bb have all the space to crawl or walk or play.
and introducing discipline and routines on my own

bus back home at around 12ish.
cooked pasta for the fam.
fetch bb back home.
end of day!

side note:
Josephine Yeo state that penalties to be given out to companies who could allow employees to work from home yet didnt implement it.

hey guys look, local transmission is on the rise.
sometimes really dont understand what the management thinking.

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