Sunday, July 28, 2013

I judge and so do humans

ya I do judge but so do humans right? we are visual creatures and that we cannot further deny anymore. how could someone tell me they are judge-less in that sense,
wahraos please. when you look at how I behave or the first word I speak and from my tone,
you already judge me what.
how can you say that you are completely honest and kind and spare me all your impression of me?
duh, so it cannot be.

so I think humans are pretty much screwed up and I do too, not trying to say im all saint or what la,
but people please? they do judge.
its just a matter of more or less or
just mere comment.
they still judge this moment.

I know I cannot control how others think or look at me. if they matter, then ya perhaps I will do serious stuff about it. but come on, maybe im just plain tired to care less.

so actually its not easy to be some famous influencers or celebrity cause you confirm get stab either from the front, sideways or the worst, from the back. if they are nice, they say objective things. but really, its so hard to live with success nowadays without criticisms.
so what actually matters most now in this real world we live in?

well, move along.

P/S. this is my nails now I did in bkk but it already chipped off from my index finger and middle one. but oh well, 10bucks is still relatively cheaper I should say. mai hiam.

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